Friday 30 September 2011

HOTH in Birmingham Mail Today

Yeah! Beckers did an interview with the Birmingham mail which is in today's paper. Its brief but worth a read. If you want to read it online go to this link here:

Thursday 29 September 2011

Piss Elegant

My copy of the ace Retox EP came today, we were lucky enough to bring them to Stourbridge a while back and they are so damn awesome. Shame cus I ordered the lp as well and it's out of stock with the suppliers I think. Agh. Heard it tho. Incredible.

We are playing with Retox at the Flapper in November I think (see the fb page) and it's going to be a killer night. Counting off the days (Pete)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Burn out

Post practice at the Boom.

Cyclops Knives: Actress & Bishop, Birmingham (26th September 2011)

Weird one this. We never really said we were playing but our name appeared on the flyer amongst a load of really cool bands so decided that we should probably commit to playing.

It started out a really stressful one, the Promoter was late and completely disorganised choosing to just hope everything would turn out ok rather than actually organise between what bands who was bringing what. Before the night started, our friend had a knife pulled on him on the way to the venue and we were threatened by a one eyed beggar for apologising for not having any money to give him, rather than not having any money to give him (yeah go figure). He thought we were students.....Don't do drugs kids.

We played a new song which is for the time being called 'Sex Dust' until one of us can think of something sexier/more messed up. Overall was a fucking great night, the sound-man was one of the friendliest we've ever come across (rare in their circle) and the other bands were ace. Cheers for Black Veins for letting us use their cab even though they didn't play. Thanks to Temple Of Boom ( in Stourbridge for the last second loan of an amp and Lee OSC ( to making the trip with it. Also huge thanks to every person who came out to see us, truly humbled by the support.

We owe you!

HOTH Stickers

We now have Hawk Stickers, which we will be giving away now and with our release on October 17th 2011. This design will also be gracing exclusive tshirts available at soon!